
Break a leg 祝你成功 Onward and upward 全力以赴 Boys will be boys 狗改不了吃 Pinky swear 拉勾勾 Take your time 慢慢來 Easy peasy 小菜一碟 I own you one 欠你一个情 Chop-chop快點 Under the weather 身体不适 You bet 当然 I am all ears 洗耳恭聽 My treat 我請客 Best of both worlds 兩全其美 So far so good 一切安好 I don’t buy it 信你个鬼 I own your one 欠你一个人情 Keep your chin up 振作起來 What do u see in him 你看中他什么 Hottie 美女 Undie 内衣 Sunnies 太阳镜 I want a raise 涨薪 My treat 我请客 Go big or go home 要么出众,要么回家 Agree to disagree 求同存異 I have crush on you 我喜欢你 Out of sight out of mind 眼不见,心不烦 Better later than never 只要开始,虽晚不迟 Nailed it 搞掂 Dun embarrass me 別讓我尷尬 Dun take it for granted 不要认为这是理所当然 Belle 小姊姊 Every dog has his day 风水轮流转 Suit yourself 随你便 Without further ado 废话少说 Burning the midnight oil 熬夜 Try harder 再努力點 No room 不要奶油 Extra ice 加冰 Light ice 少冰 Slow boat to china 很慢 Pardon me 对不上(提问前礼貌用语) Pardon my French 说句粗话你别介意 On purpose 故意 No purpose 没有效果 You bet 当然,没错 Mutual friend 共同好友 Pay equity 工资公司 Take attendance 点名,查考勤 To Distraction 烦躁到疯狂 Stand on ceremony 客套 I see your point,but Spring from 起源於某事 Spring up 突然出現 Muddle along 混日子 Without reservation 没有异议 Strike me as an angry guy 把我认为很恼火的人 Strike dumb 愣了一下 Get in a flap 惊慌失措 At someone discretion 由某人自行判断 A Piece Of Cake 小菜一碟 a labor of love 因爱好而困难地做好某事 A sincere thanks 由衷的感谢 In demand 很受欢迎 Meet ur demands 满足你的需求 Heat up 加热 So he it 就这样吧 By any chance 有可能吗
get into the habit of 养成什么的习惯 get through 克服困难,接通电话 have a good knowledge of sth 对什么熟悉 I haven’t the access to 没有进去的权限 Have a difficulty in doing sth 做某事有困难 Keep an eyes on 照看留意 Keep company with sb 跟某人有交往 Keep in touch with sb 与某人保持联系 Knock into sb 撞见某人 Leave out 漏掉 Look into sth 开始了解某事 Look up to sb 尊重某人 Lose heart 泄气 Lose one’s temper 发脾气 Make a difference 有影响 Make a good impression on sb 给某人留下好印象 Make an announcement 通知 Make certain 弄清楚 Make effort to do sth 努力做某事 Make ends meet 量入为出 Make the best of 充分利用 Make up for 补偿 Make up one’s mind 下决心 Make wonders 创造奇迹 Meet the demands 满足要求 Pay back 偿还 Pay off 还清债务 Play a joke on you 开玩笑 Play a trick on you 恶作剧 Put away 放下,存钱 Put my heart into 全心投入 Pit out with 忍受 Remain in your memory 留在你的记忆里 Remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事 Run for 竞选 Set about doing sth 着手做某事 Set an example for sb 给某人树立榜样 Set aside 留出 Settle down 安定下 Show off 炫耀 Stand for 代表 Stick to 坚持 Take a chance 碰运气 Take advantage of 利用 Take back my words 收回我说的话 Take charge of 负责 Take into account 把什么考虑进去 Take into consideration 考虑到 Be proud of 引以为豪 Take turn 轮流排队 Think highly of 高度评价
First come first served. 先到先得 Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同 It is no use complaining. 发军骚没什么用 She is under the weather. 她心情不好 I will just play it by ear. 我到时候随机应变 May I ask some questions? That makes no difference 没什么区别 You have got the point there 你说得挺有道理
Pursue a girl 追女孩
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